I'm trying to make a listview in xamarin show data from a restapi but have the option to filter the list or sort it based upon last name.
I've set the bindingcontext equal to the apiviewmodel which works. But I want to set the itemssource to a list which can be manipulated later instead of the binding context.
Here is the code that works:
<ListView x:Name="DirectoryListView" ItemsSource="{Binding ContactsList}" IsPullToRefreshEnabled="True">
LocalAPIViewModel = new APIViewModel();
BindingContext = LocalAPIViewModel;
private List<MainContacts> _ContactsList { get; set; }
public List<MainContacts> ContactsList
return _ContactsList;
if(value != _ContactsList)
_ContactsList = value;
public class MainContacts
public int ID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
This all works fine. It's only when I add the following lines that it stops displaying the data in the listview:
LocalList = LocalAPIViewModel.ContactsList;
DirectoryListView.ItemsSource = LocalList;
I think I need to add these lines so that I can manipulate the list that's being displayed. Why is the list not being displayed? Is this not how it should be done?
According to your description and code, you use MVVM to bind ListView firstly, it works fine, now you want to use Viewmodel to bind ListView itemsource in xaml.cs directly, am I right?
If yes,I do one sample according to your code, that you can take a look, the data can display successfully.
public partial class Page4 : ContentPage
public APIViewModel LocalAPIViewModel { get; set; }
public Page4 ()
InitializeComponent ();
LocalAPIViewModel = new APIViewModel();
listview1.ItemsSource = LocalAPIViewModel.ContactsList;
public class APIViewModel
public ObservableCollection<MainContacts> ContactsList { get; set; }
public APIViewModel()
public void loadddata()
ContactsList = new ObservableCollection<MainContacts>();
for(int i=0;i<20;i++)
MainContacts p = new MainContacts();
p.ID = i;
p.FirstName = "cherry"+i;
public class MainContacts
public int ID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
so I suggest you can check ContactsList if has data.
I want to be able to search the list with a search bar and also order it by first or last names. I also want to be able to click on one of the contacts and open up a separate page about that contact
I do one sample that can meet your requirement, you can take a look: