Search code examples

CAML Query Null Hyperlink Field Causes list to not appear

My list has two hyperlink fields, all new items will have both fields filled but some older items that I have to add do not have both. First, I added a few of the more recent items that have both hyperlinks to test that my CAML Query worked, and it did. Until I added an item that did not have both hyperlink fields filled in.

I've tried adding spaces to the field, does not work.

My query:

var hclientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var hList = hclientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('HRReportsList');
// New caml for getting list based on view
var camlQueryHR = new SP.CamlQuery();
camlQueryHR.set_viewXml('<View Scope="RecursiveAll"><Query><Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name="Year"/>' +
'<Value Type="Text">2019</Value></Eq><Eq><FieldRef Name="Report_x0020_Type"/>' +
'<Value Type="Choice">Turnover</Value></Eq></And></Where>'  +
'<OrderBy><FieldRef Name="YYYYMM" Ascending="False" /></OrderBy>' +
'</Query><RowLimit>50</RowLimit><QueryOptions>' +
'<ViewAttributes Scope="Recursive" /></QueryOptions></View>');
this.hcollListItem = hList.getItems(camlQueryHR);
// end of caml for list view
//this.ncollListItem = nList.getItems("");
Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQuerySucceeded),
Function.createDelegate(this, this.onQueryFailed)

to get items I have some HTML, for example:

    hListItem.get_item('InfographicLink').get_description() + '</a></br></br>' +
'<a href="' + hListItem.get_item('ReportLink').get_url() + '" target="_blank">' +
    hListItem.get_item('ReportLink').get_description() + '</a></div>';

Error in the console is: 'Unable to get property 'get_url' of undefined or null reference'

Not a surprise, I just don't know how to get it to work knowing that I need to allow some hyperlinks to be empty.


  • Add a check to these two hyperlink fields, make sure they are not null like this:

    while (listItemEnumerator.moveNext()) 
            var hListItem = listItemEnumerator.get_current();
            if(hListItem.get_item("ReportLink") && hListItem.get_item("InfographicLink"))
                listItemInfo +=  hListItem.get_item('InfographicLink').get_description() + '</a></br></br>' +
             '<a href="' + hListItem.get_item('ReportLink').get_url() + '" target="_blank">' +
               hListItem.get_item('ReportLink').get_description() + '</a></div>';

    Here is a similar question for your reference:

    JSOM get_url of image null or undefined