Using class NickNames
, needed to generate some number of instances using this class where id
should be - increment, nicks
- should be randomly picked from the list and timestamp
should take current timestamp and store the output into list
Curently i am getting this type of output [<__main__.NickNames object at 0x00000213547E9AC8>, <__main__.NickNames object at 0x00000213548409E8>]
instead of desired
1, crown, 119121392391293 (timestamp)
2, makes, 119121392391298 (timestamp)
Please help.
Heres the code i
m using
import random
import calendar
import time
nicknames = ['child', 'makes', 'override', 'even', 'eleven', 'householder', 'snowball', 'cure', 'crown']
class NickNames:
def __init__(self, id, nicks, timestamp): = id
self.nicks = nicks
self.timestamp = timestamp
res = []
for i in range(2):
res.append(NickNames(uuid.uuid1(), random.choice(nicknames), calendar.timegm(time.gmtime())))
In the res.append replace uuid.uuid1() by (i + 1). Replace print(res) by:
for obj in res: print(, obj.nicks, obj.timestamp)