VuePress's standard templating, as documented, occurs during the Vue component rendering. This means the markdown compiler, markdown-it, will not see the rendered template results and will not be able to operate on them.
This can cause issues with variable substitution in links, code blocks, and a number of other edge cases. A somewhat common answer to this issue is to drop down to using raw HTML tags. I find this somewhat undesirable as it's tackles the issue at the wrong stage(post-markdown compilation) and requires content creators to juggle markdown with Vue/HTML/framework concerns.
How can I process the markdown files before markdown compilation in a manner that fits in with the dev/build pipeline?
VuePress currently processes markdown files in the webpack pipeline. The gist of this process is:
-> markdown-loader
(VuePress custom) -> vue-loader
-> ...
I will show an example of how to render the markdown templates with Nunjucks before it gets passed through to the markdown loader for compilation.
In order to pre-process the markdown we need to slip a loader in before the first VuePress loader. Luckily we can do this through the exposed plugin/config API:
chainWebpack: config => {
.use(path.resolve(__dirname, './nunjucks'))
.loader(path.resolve(__dirname, './nunjucks'))
const nunjucks = require('nunjucks')
// Change start/end tokens so they don't collide with the Vue syntax
autoescape: false,
tags: {
blockStart: '{{{%',
blockEnd: '%}}}',
variableStart: '{{{',
variableEnd: '}}}',
commentStart: '{{{#',
commentEnd: '#}}}'
const config = {
apiVersion: 32,
module.exports = function(source) {
const rendered = nunjucks.renderString(source, config)
return rendered