Trying to do some math in SSRS and getting this error.
The Value expression for the text box ‘totalboxes3’ has an inner aggregate in an outer aggregate that specifies a dataset scope. An aggregate that specifies a dataset scope cannot contain other aggregates.
I am using the expression:
=Sum(Fields!GP_Goal.Value, "Main") / Sum(Sum(Fields!Smartphone_Postpaid.Value) - Sum(Fields!CPE_Postpaid_Only.Value), "Main")
Im very new to SSRS so im trying to understand what this is asking me and how to fix it.
ive also tried
=Sum(Fields!GP_Goal.Value, "Main") / Sum(Sum(Fields!Smartphone_Postpaid.Value, "Main") - Sum(Fields!CPE_Postpaid_Only.Value, "Main"))
The problem is this:
Sum(Sum(Fields!Smartphone_Postpaid.Value) - Sum(Fields!CPE_Postpaid_Only.Value)
The outer SUM isn't needed, just subtract the sums and specify the dataset within the sums:
=Sum(Fields!GP_Goal.Value, "Main") / (Sum(Fields!Smartphone_Postpaid.Value, "Main") - Sum(Fields!CPE_Postpaid_Only.Value, "Main"))