So I'd like to open files with trio (asynchronously) and then as the file is rather large read a single specific line of it
So in "normal" synchronous python, I'd do something like this:
with open("text.txt") as f:
for i, line in enumerate(f):
if i == 3:
This would print the content of a file's second line
Now issue is, when using trio's open_file method, enumerate(f)
returns the error:
TypeError: 'AsyncIOWrapper' object is not iterable
And following the docs:
async with await trio.open_file("text.txt") as f:
async for i, line in f:
will only return the line's value for i, and just whitespace for line
And so, how would one go to read a specific line of a large file without losing to much memory with trio/asynchronoulsy?
Building a async enumerate function as such:
async def aenumerate(ait, start=0):
i = start
async for item in ait:
yield i, item
i += 1
then you can easily do as follows:
async with await trio.open_file("text.txt") as f:
async for i, line in aenumerate(f):