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What is the most pythonic way to have a generator expression executed?

More and more features of Python move to be "lazy executable", like generator expressions and other kind of iterators. Sometimes, however, I see myself wanting to roll a one liner "for" loop, just to perform some action.

What would be the most pythonic thing to get the loop actually executed?

For example:

a = open("numbers.txt", "w")
(a.write ("%d " % i) for i in xrange(100))

Not actuall code, but you see what I mean. If I use a list generator, instead, I have the side effect of creating a N-lenght list filled with "None"'s.

Currently what I do is to use the expression as the argument in a call to "any" or to "all". But I would like to find a way that would not depend on the result of the expression performed in the loop - both "any" and "all" can stop depending on the expression evaluated.

To be clear, these are ways to do it that I already know about, and each one has its drawbacks:

[a.write ("%d " % i) for i in xrange(100))]

any((a.write ("%d " % i) for i in xrange(100)))

for item in (a.write ("%d " % i) for i in xrange(100)): pass


  • It is 2019 - and this is a question from 2010 that keeps showing up. A recent thread in one of Python's mailing lists spammed over 70 e-mails on this subject, and they refused again to add a consume call to the language.

    On that thread, the most efficient mode to that actually showed up, and it is far from being obvious, so I am posting it as the answer here:

    import deque
    consume = deque(maxlen=0).extend 

    And then use the consume callable to process generator expressions.

    It turns out the deque native code in cPython actually is optimized for the maxlen=0 case, and will just consume the iterable.
    The any and all calls I mentioned in the question should be equally as efficient, but one has to worry about the expression truthiness in order for the iterable to be consumed.

    I see this still may be controversial, after all, an explicit two line for loop can handle this - I remembered this question because I just made a commit where I create some threads, start then, and join then back - without a consume callable, that is 4 lines with mostly boiler plate, and without benefiting from cycling through the iterable in native code: