I am trying to use the str.contains
function in Python to search for a 'keyword' within a column.
I have succeeded with looking up one key word in one column.
However, what I would need is the following: - Search for multiple keywords in one column
I am using the following sample dataset:
Employee Employee ID Category Comments
Jack 11234 Holiday Holiday trip
Ben 1921 Business Business trip
John 233535 Other Other trip
Pete 892230 Other Other trip
By using the following code:
df[df['Category'].str.contains("holiday", case=False)]
I have succeed in getting the following result:
Employee Employee ID Category Comments
Jack 11234 Holiday Holiday trip
However, I would like to search for keywords holiday OR business. Using the OR operator I cannot seem to make it work. Any suggestions on expanding the code so I can look search for both words holiday OR business?
The end result would then need to look like this (meaning returns rows that have keyword Holiday OR Business in column Category):
Employee Employee ID Category Comments
Jack 11234 Holiday Holiday trip
Ben 1921 Business Business trip
The next part is that I would like to search for the keyword in multiple columns. I tried the following code:
df[df['Category'].str.contains("holiday", case=False)] |
df[df['Comments'].str.contains("holiday", case=False)]
But this unfortunately didn't yield the expected results.
Many thanks for your insights!
You use |
to represent 'or' in str.contains
df[df['Category'].str.contains('holiday|business', case=False)]
For more infomation, see the docs.