I have the following 'artisan' command set up
protected $signature = 'make:sub {type} {name}';
The above command works when typed into the terminal.
I want to call it dynamically in a controller. Below is my code:
$name = $request->input("name");
Artisan::call('make:sub', [
'type' => 'origin', 'name' => $name
The above is not working.
I think the issue might be the 'artisan namespace'.
What is the correct 'use namespace' to call artisan commands set up in the command folder?
You got 2 options.
1) at the beginning of the file, you can type: use Artisan;
2) just type :
\Artisan::call('make:sub', [
'type' => 'origin', 'name' => $name