I'm currently using the 'ngx-pagination' module from Michael Bromley. The module is working fine, but it seems to be the only pagination module that doesn't use the existing theme css. Now it looks like:
Reading his explanation, it seems that it should be easy by simply override the css by adding /deep/
. Well, it doesn't work... Some people say it's 'deprecated', so I've tried adding !important
, but that doesn't seem to work as well.
See -> https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-p3swdg
In the 'app.component.css' I've uploaded the theme css and in the end it should look like (see documentation):
Any help would be appreciated.
Here is quick working stackblitz solution.
.pagination /deep/ .ngx-pagination .current {
background: red;
.pagination /deep/ .ngx-pagination li {
border: 1px solid #CCCC;
margin-right: 0px;
.pagination /deep/ .ngx-pagination a::after{
display: none;
.pagination /deep/ .ngx-pagination li::before{
display: none;
.pagination /deep/ .ngx-pagination li::after{
display: none;
.pagination /deep/ .ngx-pagination a::before{
display: none;
using /deep
. You can polish the css better but you'll get the idea from this.