I am using a substr() to get the last digits from a number. However, it takes spaces into consideration too. Is there a way to avoid it? Using preg_replace to remove spaces first is not an option, since I want them (spaces) in the outcome.
substr($match[0], -5)
To give you an example how it looks now:
123456789 - the numbers 56789 will show
1234 56 78 9 - depending where the spaces are it may show nothing or 78 or 7 or 9, etc.
you can remove the spaces before calling substr
substr(str_replace(" ", "", $match[0]), -5)
Or, if you want preserve spaces
function RightSubstrIgnoreChar($string, $length, $IgnoreChar = ' ') {
$r = "";
for ($n = strlen($string) - 1; $n >= 0 && strlen(str_replace($IgnoreChar, "", $r)) < $length; $n--) {
$r = substr($string, $n, 1) . $r;
return $r;
echo RightSubstrIgnoreChar("1234 56 78 9", 5);
56 78 9