I have 2 large files each containing long strings separated by newlines in different formats. I need to find similarities and differences between them. The Problem is that the formats of the two files differ.
File a:
File b:
So now I want to extract the whole line containing NjA5MDAxNdaeag0NjE5NTIx.XUwXRQ.gat8MzuGfkj2pWs7z8z-LBFXQaE
from File a to a new file and also delete this line in File a.
I have tried achieving this with meld and got to the point that it will at least show me the similarities only. Say File a has 3000 lines and File b has 120 lines, now I want to find the the lines with at least n consecutive identical chars and remove these from File a.
I found this and accordingly tried to use diff like this:
diff --unchanged-line-format='%L' --old-line-format='' \
--new-line-format='' a.txt b.txt
This didn't do anything I got no output whatsoever so I guess it exited with 0 and didn't find anything.
How can I make this work? I have Linux and Windows available.
Given the format of the files, the most efficient implementation would be something like this:
strings into a [hashtable]
or [HashSet[string]]
or similar$FilterStrings = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new(
Get-Content .\path\to\b
Get-Content .\path\to\a |Where-Object {
# Split the line into the prefix, middle, and suffix;
# Discard the prefix and suffix
$null,$searchString,$null = $_.Split(":", 3)
# we found a match, write it to the new file
$searchString |Add-Content .\path\to\matchedStrings.txt
# make sure it isn't passed through
else {
# substring wasn't found to be in `b`, let's pass it through
} |Set-Content .\path\to\filteredStrings.txt