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Get [Authorize] data from controller

I have code:

[Authorize(Roles = "SuperAdministrators")]
public class ButtonStyleController : ControllerBase

in other place:

[Authorize(Roles = "SuperAdministrators,CompanyAdministrators")]
public class BankController : ControllerBase

and even:

[Authorize(Roles = "CompanyAdministrators")]
public class DriverController : ApiControllerBase

I need to check which roles are allowed for current controller in code. Is it possible?


  • You can use the following code to get an attribute, of type AuthorizeAttribute, from a class then access the Roles property.

    AuthorizeAttribute currentAuthorizeAttribute = (AuthorizeAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DriverController), typeof(AuthorizeAttribute));
    string roles = currentAuthorizeAttribute.Roles;