Question: Is there a way to download the metadata of all the files in Cloud Storage?
Reference: I've taken a look at the documentation for AngularFire2 and while I can do a download of the metadata for one file I can't figure out how to pull the metadata for all the files in the storage. AngularFire2 FireStorage documentation
Code: I'm pulling down the metadata for one file successfully.
fileUrl: Observable<string>;
fileCollection: Observable<any>;
constructor(firestorage: AngularFireStorage) {
const ref = firestorage.ref('nforms/').child('file.pdf');
this.fileUrl = ref.getDownloadURL();
this.fileCollection = ref.getMetadata();
<tr *ngIf="fileCollection | async; let f">
<td><pre><code>{{f | json}}</code></pre> .
<div *ngIf="fileUrl | async; let url">
<td><a target="_self" [href]="url">download</a></td>
Current Results
"type": "file",
"bucket": "this-is-a-secret",
"generation": "this-is-a-secret",
"metageneration": "1",
"fullPath": "nforms/file.pdf",
"name": "file.pdf",
"size": 318522,
"timeCreated": "2019-08-09T21:52:53.692Z",
"updated": "2019-08-09T21:52:53.692Z",
"md5Hash": "this-is-a-secret",
"contentDisposition": "inline; filename*=utf-8''file.pdf",
"contentEncoding": "identity",
"contentType": "application/pdf"
You will have to list all the files, then access their metadata individually. There aren't any bulk operations on object metadata.