I am using simple_salesforce API client to connect to the salesforce from a pyspark shell inorder to query a list of objects. And while i was trying to describe the object to find the list of columns available i got the below error:
simple_salesforce.exceptions.SalesforceResourceNotFound: Resource source_table Not Found. Response content: [{u'errorCode': u'NOT_FOUND', u'message': u'The requested resource does not exist'}]
I observed that when i am using a variable name to store the object (table) name i am getting the resourcenotfound error. So i hard coded the object in desc statement like below: desc = sf.Lead.desc() Now this is working.
But i want a feasible solution where in i would be able to provide the object name at run time or in my case i have a list of objects. Everytime i have to loop over and describe them.
sf = Salesforce(username='xxxxxxx', password='yyyyyy',
source_table = "Lead"
desc = sf.source_table.describe()
I expected that the statement execute properly, but it has thrown an error.
's connection object (sf
here) has synthetic attributes representing each available sObject. To get this dynamically with a table name, you have to use getattr()
. Otherwise, you're referring to a property sf.source_table
, which doesn't exist - there's no sObject called source_table
So you can either do
getattr(sf, "Lead").describe()