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LoadLibrary on jvm.dll fails with error code 183

I'm trying to use JNI in C++ to call a method from Java.

I have tried this on a console application and it worked, but when I switch to a DLL that is loaded in any application, it fails with error "ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS"

    HMODULE jvmDLL = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_191\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll");
    if (!jvmDLL) {
        int error = GetLastError(); // this returns 183

This works perfectly fine on anything but a DLL injected into any application. It shouldn't be null.


  • Try this instead:

    HMODULE jvmDLL = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_191\\bin\\server\\jvm.dll");
    if (!jvmDLL)
       jvmDLL = GetModuleHandle("jvm.dll");