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Using add_action hook of GravityForms add-on stickylist

GravityForms has a simple action hook that can be used after submission

add_action( 'gform_after_submission', 'my_function', 10, 2 );

my_function is any user-defined function where the call reaches if the action hook is found in functions.php

StickyList, an add-on built on GravityForms also provides an action hook that can be used after the form is submitted. It is here below

add_action("gform_after_submission", array($this, "post_edit_entry"), 10, 2);

My question is, how does one use the my_function to the StickyList action hook which hasn't specified/documented how to use this action hook. I don't know what the array is doing as a second argument and how to get the call to reach my user defined function once this action_hook is found in functions.php.


  • The stickyList add_action hook after editing entry I found that worked was the following. Thanks Samvel for your help.

    add_action('stickylist_entry_edited','my_function', 10, 2 );