I am stuck since 2 days on a problem that I haven't think before.
To be simple, I manage 3 models (Motorbike, Revision, Training).
If a motorbike is in revision or in training, I have to see on my form Motorbike that the moto is unavailable.
There are a training on 10/08/2019
with the motorbike 00004
In my form Motorbike
, the status has changed in unavailable
for the motorbike 000004
Well !
Now, my problem is in my form Revision
, if I add a revision for the motorbike 000002
the status has to change in my form Motorbike
Here the status has not changed...
In my Controller Motorbike I have this:
public function index()
$motorbikes = Motorbike::oldest()->paginate(5);
$bikeIdsDown = Revision::where('date_revision_start', "<=" , Carbon::now())->where('date_revision_end', ">=", Carbon::now())->pluck('fk_motorbike')->toArray();
$bikeIdsDown = Training::where('date_sitting', "<=" , Carbon::now())->pluck('fk_motorbike')->toArray();
return view('admin.motorbikes.index', compact('motorbikes', 'bikeIdsDown'))
->with('i', (request()->input('page',1) -1)*5);
But, I think my problem is in my index.blade
@foreach($motorbikes as $motorbike)
<td>{{$motorbike->matriculation }} </td>
<td> @if(in_array($motorbike->id, $bikeIdsDown))
My array is used only for a model?
this is happing with you because you are overriding the same variable.
$bikeIdsDown = Revision::where('date_revision_start', "<=" , Carbon::now())->where('date_revision_end', ">=", Carbon::now())->pluck('fk_motorbike')->toArray();
$bikeIdsDown = Training::where('date_sitting', "<=" , Carbon::now())->pluck('fk_motorbike')->toArray();
you are using a $bikeIdsDown variable for both query response.
change the $bikeIdsDown variable to an array to assign a new value.
$bikeIdsDown = Revision::where('date_revision_start', "<=" , Carbon::now())->where('date_revision_end', ">=", Carbon::now())->pluck('fk_motorbike')->toArray();
$bikeIdsDown[] = Training::where('date_sitting', "<=" , Carbon::now())->pluck('fk_motorbike')->toArray();
or create a new array and merge like :
$revisionId = Revision::where('date_revision_start', "<=" , Carbon::now())->where('date_revision_end', ">=", Carbon::now())->pluck('fk_motorbike')->toArray();
$trainingId = Training::where('date_sitting', "<=" , Carbon::now())->pluck('fk_motorbike')->toArray();
$bikeIdsDown = array_merge($revisionId, $trainingId);