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How to add a unit to the end of <input type="number"> properly in HTML(5)?

I would like to have an <input type="number"> that has a unit at the end (m2), but the user can't change it. I have this for now:

  <input type="number" name="area">

I guess I can't just add a unit directly after the <input> because that would probably mess up the <label>. So what do I do? Would it be best to separate the <label> using the for attribute or add an ::after pseudo-element using CSS or what?


  • Although you could use the ::after pseudoselector, the best approach is to use the m2 in the label to give more contextual information to the value that is expected int the input. In other words - the label informs the user as to what the value means in the input.

    Note the <sup> element that allows the superscript rendering of the 2.

      Area (m<sup>2</sup>):
      <input type="number" name="area">

    You could also create a span with the content and include it within the label -after the input and it would show at the end of the input.

      <input type="number" name="area">
      <span> m<sup>2</sup></span>

    You could even position it absolutely so it shows in the input field itself - but given that this is a number type of input - browsers will insert a 'stepper at the extreme right of the field - so you would need to wither move it to the left to avoid that, or use a type="text" input and validate the input to be numeric.

    label {
      position: relative;
    label span {
      position: absolute;
      top: -1px;
      right: 24px;
      <input type="number" name="area">
      <span> m<sup>2</sup></span>