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Prettify GraphiQL query: filter always formatted in one long unreadable line

I prettify my GraphQL query in the GraphiQL window of my browser. I use the Gatsby GrapiQL implementation. The filter part is always condensed in one long line so that I have to use the horizontal scroll bar. This has been bugging me for months now.

The prettyfied code

  allFile(filter: {sourceInstanceName: {eq: "tour-data"}}, sort: {fields: base, order: ASC}) {
    edges {
      node {

How it looks in the browser: Without scrolling I cannot see or edit how it is sorted. truncated filter line

It's a small inconvenience but this scrolling adds up over time. Prettify implemented like this has terrible user experience. I filter all my queries so I have to do a lot of scrolling.

I looked in the official documentation and the github project. I did not find a way to alter the formatting rules.

Is there a way to tell prettify to give the filter its own lines?


  • I don't think there's any way to configure that unless you built an instance of GraphiQL yourself and pointed it at your endpoint. You might try a client like Altair though no promises.

    The other option is to simply make filter a variable. I think the prettify works a little better on the variables JSON object in that regard.

    query ($filter: FileFilterInput!, $sort: FileSortInput!) {
      allFile(filter: $filter, sort: $sort) {
        edges {
          node {
      "filter": {
        "sourceInstanceName": {
          "eq": "tour-data"
      "sort": {
        "fields": "base",
        "order": "ASC"

    I'm guessing at the actual type names -- check the schema docs for the correct names. Also bear in mind that variables can't be used with StaticQuery.