Given the general Getter
type Getter s a = forall f. (Contravariant f, Functor f) => (a -> f a) -> s -> f s
how would I implement a getter for, say, a pair tuple? I guess the above type represents a partially applied function and the missing part is exactly what confuses me.
Beyond that I don't understand the contravariant constraint. It's probably there to make the type more lens like, but isn't functor enough?
In the type Getter s a
, type s
denotes the "object" that somehow "contains" a value of type a
, which the getter can somehow "extract" from it.
If you want to implement a getter for a pair, then your s = (x, y)
, and your a
would be either x
or y
, depending on which element you're extracting. Let's say for clarity that you're extracting the first element. Then a = x
Ok, so your function would look like this:
firstElementGetter :: Getter (x, y) x
Now, if we expand the definition of Getter
, we get:
firstElementGetter :: (blah-blah) => (x -> f x) -> (x, y) -> f (x, y)
firstElementGetter h (x, y) = ...
This means that your function gets two parameters: (1) a function h
that can "wrap" an x
in functor f
, and (2) a tuple (x, y)
; and it needs to return a tuple (x, y)
wrapped in the functor f
. Let's see if we can do that.
First, we have a function h
that takes a parameter of type x
. Conveniently, we also have an x
of that very type. Let's apply it: h x
. The result of that has type f x
. How can we turn that into f (x, y)
Well, the very thing of a Functor
is that you can map over it. So what function can we map over f x
to obtain f (x, y)
? Such function obviously needs to have a type x -> (x, y)
- and behold! We have all the parts to construct such a function! We can take our existing y
and recombine it into the tuple: \xx -> (xx, y)
Now we have everything to fulfill the contract of the getter:
firstElementGetter :: (blah-blah) => (x -> f x) -> (x, y) -> f (x, y)
firstElementGetter h (x, y) = fmap (\xx -> (xx, y)) (h x)
This is, at root, how all optics work - be they getters, traversals, prisms, or whatever. The consumer can then make them do different things by choosing the right functor f
and the right wrapping function h
For example, the consumer can use your getter to "extract" the first element from a tuple by choosing this functor:
data Const a b = Const a
instance Functor (Const a) where
fmap f (Const a) = Const a
Notice how it completely ignores the type b
. Doesn't actually "wrap" a value of it, and fmap
implementation doesn't touch it either. You might say it's a "fake" functor. We're going to use that to our advantage!
For function h
we're going to choose Const
. It fits the type, because Const :: x -> Const x foo
for any foo
, which happens to be compatible with x -> Const x x
, which matches the required type x -> f x
when f = Const x
. I know, this is a bit mind-blowing, but bear with me.
Now, if h = Const
, our getter will dutifully call h x
, which would return Const x
, which the getter will fmap
over, but since our definition of fmap
ignores its first argument, the result of fmap
will still be the very same Const x
, which the getter will then return. Now, all we need to do is just unwrap it, and we're done!
getFirst :: (x, y) -> x
getFirst pair =
let (Const x) = firstElementGetter Const pair
in x
The Contravariant
part is a bit of a clever type-level hackery. See, when a functor f
is not only Functor
, but also Contravariant
, it has to have the shape of the Const
type above - i.e. it cannot "wrap" a value of its type parameter inside.
can be thought of as a thing that "produces" (or "contains") values, while Contravariant
is a thing that "consumes" values. If a "wrapper" type has to be both, the only way to implement it is to only pretend to "consume" or "produce" values, but ignore them behind the scenes. I understand this is not a very clear explanation, but I can't do any better. Just try to implement a type like that, you'll see.
So Getter
is given this weird constraint just as a way to ensure that the only thing it can do is "get" a value, never "set" or "transform" it.
s -> a
. (a -> x) -> s -> x
- in continuation-passing style, but equivalent to the previous one.(a -> Const x a) -> s -> Const x s
- I just replaced both a
with Const x foo
with different foo
, but it's still equivalent to the previous one.While the first (simplest) definition would do for the actual getting, the last definition has the advantage of having a signature compatible with other lenses, thus making it possible to use such getter in lens compositions.