I'm writing my dissertation in R markdown. I am using bibtex, pandoc-citeproc, and apa.csl with bookdown. I have new_session: yes
in my _bookdown.yml
and compiling primarily to PDF (documentclass:book
, classoption: oneside
The system I have is correctly using the full author list in place of "et al." for the first time I cite a 3-6 author work. That said, my adviser wants the full author list for the first time I cite a work per chapter.
Is there an easy way to go about this?
Here is the apa.csl I'm using:
Turns out that a biblatex
based solution is indeed very flexible as @moewe showed on TeX.SE. When one combines style=apa
with citerest=chapter
one gets the effect you are after. In a minimal R-markdown document:
citation_package: biblatex
documentclass: book
bibliography: biblatex-examples.bib
biblio-style: apa
- citereset=chapter
# Intro
[@herrmann] and [@yoon]
[@herrmann] and [@yoon]
# Method
[@herrmann] and [@yoon]
[@herrmann] and [@yoon]
# References
Make sure that your TeX system includes the biber