I'm trying to run ffmpeg mp3 stream with segmentation for each hour. Everything is working perfectly, except for one thing: when i run the command, the file size doesn't grow in real-time as i need, it only grows in packages of 256k.
Is there a way to turn a "real-time mode"?
I'm using ubuntu 18.04 with ffmpeg 3.4.6
This is the code i'm trying to run on linux terminal:
ffmpeg -i http://radiocentova.conectastm.com:8363/stream -y -acodec libmp3lame -b:a 16k -ac 1 -ar 11025 -vn -strftime 1 -f segment -segment_time 3600 -flush_packets 1 @test_%Y%m%d%H%M%S+00.mp3
The flush packets option has to be directed to the child muxer (mp3 in this case), so
-segment_format_options flush_packets=1
instead of -flush_packets 1