Hello everyone i am trying to build api with Nest js and mongodb.
i am trying to make relationship between schema and i get that Error when i am trying to populate resource from role
[Nest] 12308 - 2019-08-09 4:22 PM [ExceptionsHandler] Schema hasn't been registered for model "ResourceSchema".
Use mongoose.model(name, schema) +6998ms
MissingSchemaError: Schema hasn't been registered for model "ResourceSchema".
Use mongoose.model(name, schema)
my RoleSchema
import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
import {ResourceModel} from './resourceSchema';
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
export const RoleSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
unique: true,
required: [true, 'Role name is required'],
resources: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'ResourceModel',
permissions: [{type: String}],
my ResourceSchema
import * as mongoose from 'mongoose';
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
export const ResourceSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
unique: true,
required: [true, 'Role type is required'],
routingInfo: {type: String},
iconName: {type: String},
iconType: {type: String},
subResources: [{type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed, ref: 'ResourceModel'}],
export const ResourceModel = mongoose.model('Resource', ResourceSchema);
my Role service.ts populate resources array
export class RoleService {
constructor(@InjectModel('roles') private readonly roleModel: Model<Role>) {
async findAll(): Promise<Role[]> {
return await this.roleModel.find().populate({path: 'resources', Model: ResourceModel});
// also tried that
async findAll(): Promise<Role[]> {
return await this.roleModel.find().populate({path: 'resources', Model: ResourceSchema});
my resorce mdule
import {Module} from '@nestjs/common';
import {ResourcesController} from './resources.controller';
import {ResourcesService} from './resources.service';
import {MongooseModule} from '@nestjs/mongoose';
import {ResourceSchema} from '../schemas/resourceSchema';
import {ConfigService} from '../config/config.service';
import {AuthService} from '../auth/auth.service';
import {UsersService} from '../users/users.service';
import {UserSchema} from '../schemas/userSchema';
imports: [MongooseModule.forFeature([{name: 'users', schema: UserSchema}]),
MongooseModule.forFeature([{name: 'resources', schema: ResourceSchema}])],
providers: [ResourcesService, UsersService, AuthService, ConfigService],
controllers: [ResourcesController],
exports: [ResourcesService],
export class ResourcesModule {
so when i do GET REQUEST on postman i get that error anyone can tell what i am doing wrong?????
Thanks in andvaced
is schema, not model. You need to register it for the model, for example:
export const Resource = mongoose.model('Resource', ResourceSchema);
Change the ref:
subResources: [{type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed, ref: 'Resource'}],
Then, import it to your service and call:
return await this.roleModel.find().populate({path: 'resources', Model: Resource });
Hope it helps.