I have run an NMDS analysis with the vegan package and produced the graph below. I would now like to extract the values (x value from the NMDS 1 axis and y value from NMDS 2 axis) of each of the points within the graph. I have done some searching around online but haven't found any solutions. Has anyone done this before?
The data is organized as a dataframe with 4 columns, one for each Arctic habitat in the graph, and 208 rows, each row is the total count of a species in each Arctic habitat.
Here is the code I used to produce the graph:
arctichabitat.nmds <- metaMDS(arctichabitat, distance = "bray", trace = F, trymax = 100)
text(arctichabitat.nmds, display = "species", csv = 0.5)
How do I solve the problem?
All vegan ordination objects have function scores
that can extract the values you asked. This is even documented: see ?metaMDS