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Check whether nested data exist on parquet scala spark or not?

So, I have a parquet file with nested data like this. I want to process in scala using spark:

    "sheep": {
      "id": 1,
      "data": {
        "age": 1,
        "price": 101
    "sheep": {
      "id": 2,
      "data": {
    "sheep": {
      "id": 3,

I tried to select the data in DataFrame, and then convert it to .csv file

def get: DataFrame = {

Then, it will generate a file like this:

| id | age | price |
| 1  |  1  |  123  |
| 2  |  2  |       |
| 3  |     |       |

I want the output file like this:

| id | age | price |
| 1  |  1  |  123  |
| 2  |  2  |   0   |
| 3  |     |   0   |

I've combine when using isNaN and isNull like this article explain.

def get: DataFrame = {
  val priceCol = $""

      when(priceCol.isNaN, 0).otherwise(priceCol).as("price")

I also see this solution here, but I can't find how to use it. Firstly, since I am using $"" with $, how can I pass to the hasColumn function? And how do I refer to the df argument on the hasColumn function? Should I be passing sheepDF?

Then, when I try to combine when with hasColumn I got this error:

type mismatch;
 found   : Boolean
 required: org.apache.spark.sql.Column

I also try to read what this $"" returns when there is no data found. I try to print it like this:


But, it returns class org.apache.spark.sql.ColumnName

I know there should be a simpler solution without Try. Thank you!


  • Use col("column").
        when(col("").isNull, 0).otherwise(col("")).as("price")).show

    The result is:

    | id| age|price|
    |  1|   1|  101|
    |  2|   2|    0|
    |  3|null|    0|