I want to specify which column I want as label and value in a pie chart
The problem is when I use the function hc_add_series_labels_values()
which accept this 2 argument I have no output because seems to be deprecated.
The hc_add_series()
seems to automaticly the 2 column depending on order, type ...
This package is not well documented I couldnt find what I need
In my example I want to specify the name2
column as label
and high
as value, how to do that ?
n <- 5
colors <- c("#d35400", "#2980b9", "#2ecc71", "#f1c40f", "#2c3e50", "#7f8c8d")
colors2 <- c("#000004", "#3B0F70", "#8C2981", "#DE4968", "#FE9F6D", "#FCFDBF")
df <- data.frame(x = seq_len(n) - 1) %>%
y = 10 + x + 10 * sin(x),
y = round(y, 1),
z = (x*y) - median(x*y),
e = 10 * abs(rnorm(length(x))) + 2,
e = round(e, 1),
low = y - e,
high = y + e,
value = y,
name = sample(fruit[str_length(fruit) <= 5], size = n),
color = rep(colors, length.out = n),
segmentColor = rep(colors2, length.out = n)
df$name2 <- c("mos", "ok", "kk", "jji", "hufg")
## x y z e low high value name color segmentColor
## 1 0 10.0 -25.6 7.6 2.4 17.6 10.0 plum #d35400 #000004
## 2 1 19.4 -6.2 4.3 15.1 23.7 19.4 lemon #2980b9 #3B0F70
## 3 2 21.1 16.6 17.6 3.5 38.7 21.1 mango #2ecc71 #8C2981
## 4 3 14.4 17.6 2.7 11.7 17.1 14.4 pear #f1c40f #DE4968
## 5 4 6.4 0.0 3.3 3.1 9.7 6.4 apple #2c3e50 #FE9F6D
highchart() %>%
hc_chart(type = "pie") %>%
hc_add_series(df, name = "Fruit Consumption", showInLegend = FALSE)
For People who have same problem you can check this :
This package seems to work like ggplot2
, the function hchart
do the job with the hcaes
hchart(df, type = "pie", hcaes(name2, high))
Output :