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Tensorflow JS - converting tensor to JSON and back to tensor

I a training a model in batches and am therefore saving its weights into JSON to store/send.

I need to now load those back into tensors - is there a proper way to do this? => JSON.stringify(d));

// returns

I can iterate over this an convert back to an array manually - but feel there maybe something in the API which would do this cleaner?


  • There is no need to stringify the result of data(). To save a tensor and restore it later, two things are needed, the data shape and the data flattened array.

    s = tensor.shape 
    // get the tensor from backend 
    saved = {data: await, shape: shape}
    retrievedTensor = tf.tensor(, saved.shape)

    The two pieces of information are given when using array or arraySync - the typedarray generated has the same structure as the tensor

    saved = await tensor.array()
    retrievedTensor = tf.tensor(saved)