Whenever I use xclip the command output goes right the clipboard but I also need to see it on the terminal:
I already tried this commands using pipe and & |&
pwd |& xclip -rmlastnl -selection clipboard
but doesn't work (the output goes right to the clipboard but I don't see it on the terminal).
the expected result is symple, whenever I do this:
pwd | xclip
I should get both the output on the shell:
and also the same result on my clipboard.
Thanks to the hint of @raminnietzsche I found the solution:
Since I'm using KDE I needed to send the copy strings to the default clipboard. So I achieved this with this command:
xclip -rmlastnl -selection clipboard
Since the copied strings goes to the main clipboard, the same options should be used when we use xclip -o. So the code to achieve what I wanted should be this one:
pwd | xclip -rmlastnl -selection clipboard | xclip -o -rmlastnl -selection clipboard
The problem is that with pipe the commands seems to run simultaneously, so the paste content (with xclip -o
etc...) will be the one already stored and not the new one. In other words it will copy the command output but will paste the last copied content.
To solve this I used &&
instead of the second |
in order to paste only after the copy happens.
I also created some alias on my zsh (or bash) config for the sake of time and clarity:
alias copy="xclip -rmlastnl -selection clipboard"
alias past="xclip -o -rmlastnl -selection clipboard"
So the working command is:
pwd | copy && past