What is the most useful/most standard/least surprising way to consistently write comment blocks for constructors and classes and files containing just a single class?
And then the file itself? Does this need a comment block if it just contains a single class? What details should go there?
I want to try and avoid, as much as possible, repetition between class, constructor and file comment blocks.
This is highly depending on your context and the assumed skill level of the people you work with or the people that come after you.
If you publish a framework, a library or something of the sort you usually assume that your user are of all skill levels so you might want to document as much trivial crap as possible to reduce the load of questions your community has to handle.
Let me start of with an example where I think documentation can be a major pain.
If you want to use PHPDoc you need a file doc block and another doc block after that (usually the class doc block).
Those **need* to have a @package
Tag. Everything else is optional.
I'd go so far and say that even the @package
Tag is optional since you might be able to automatically generate it for project. And if i remember correctly PHPDoc lets you even set a default package for everything that doesn't have a tag.
For documentation in general let me start of with an example (a longer example is at the end):
Note that for
it is explained what URI stands for (just to have something to talk about in the comment I'd assume) while it isn't in isAbsUri
because there you can at least say "abs means absolute" twice.
If you are not an open source project (or need to ship COMPLETE!!!11eleven api documentation):
I'd strongly suggest to use proper, long and descriptive class, variable and method names instead of documentation.
There is no gain in writing something again in the doc blocks and since it is 2011 and we have 120 char wide terminals and autocompletion there is just no need anymore to abbreviate everything for the sake of saving some chars.
I'd even argue that documenting trivial things hurts you and your team by forcing you to waste time on things nobody gets value from you get into a habit of always writing trivial docs and not reading them anymore.
A good comment should explain WHY something was done while the code its self should explain HOW without needing further comments.
class myClass {
* Constructor
public function __construct() {
Some guidelines say you HAVE to document EVERYTHING and you end up with people stating the obvious again and again.
This adds no value but wastes time when reading the code.
class Person {
* Set a persons weight in Kilogram
* @param float $kg Weight in Kilogram
public function setWeight($kg) {}
This code is easy to document because you need to explain what "kg" means because some people might use a different system and you can't google for "kg".
I'm in favor of writing
class Person {
* @param float $kilogram
public function setWeight($kilogram) {}
The doc block is superfluous because calling setWeight
on Person
can REALLY be expected to set the Weight on a Person. No need to write that out again.
Using $kilogramm as a parameter also saves you the trouble of explaining it in the docs and I'd say, depending on your environment, everyone can be expected to google for "kilogram" if he really doesn't know the measurement unit.
public function generateReport() {
// get the db connection
$reg = WhateverGlobalStorage::get(“db“);
// auth
if(!$reg->getOne("SELECT view_report FROM USER ...")) {}
// template
$id = $reg->getOne("select ... ");
// render
new ReportTemplate($id); // ...
If those are separate "blocks" just move them to descriptive named functions
public function generateReport() {
$template = this->createReportTemplate();
// Not perfect but at least you can grasp what the method does much quicker
Slides of a presentation I gave on the subject on some conferences: Slideshare: clean-code-stop-wasting-my-time
And additional small, little older, rant: they-told-you-to-document-everything-they-lied
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
abstract class xyzRequest {
* Initializes this xyzRequest.
* Available options:
* * logging: Whether to enable logging or not (false by default)
* @param xyzEventDispatcher $dispatcher An xyzEventDispatcher instance
* @param array $parameters An associative array of initialization parameters
* @param array $attributes An associative array of initialization attributes
* @param array $options An associative array of options
* @return bool true, if initialization completes successfully, otherwise false
* @throws <b>xyzInitializationException</b> If an error occurs while initializing this xyzRequest
public function initialize(xyzEventDispatcher $dispatcher, $parameters = array(), $attributes = array(), $options = array()) {
Lets see, line by line, what that documentation tells you. (I'm joking around here a little bit to get my point across)
* Initializes this xyzRequest.
So calling ->initialize on a xyzRequest initializes that request? Really? Ok then, if you say so!
* Available options:
* * logging: Whether to enable logging or not (false by default)
We are told the options for the third parameter, not for the second or third param but maybe we know those if we know the framework? (Since we are not able to figure out what ->initialize does without someone telling use we might not be that smart...)
* @param xyzEventDispatcher $dispatcher An xyzEventDispatcher instance
Yeah, the type-hint is there. So if the method expects a "xyzEventDispatcher instance" we need to pass in a "xyzEventDispatcher instance". Good to know.
* @param array $parameters An associative array of initialization parameters
* @param array $attributes An associative array of initialization attributes
* @param array $options An associative array of options
Ok. So it's not a linear array. But that I need to pass "initialization parameters" to an "initialize" method I could have figured out.
Still no clue what I actually need to pass in there but as long as its documented it has to be fine!
* @return bool true, if initialization completes successfully, otherwise false
So a boolean return value is "true" for "good" and "false" for bad".
* @throws <b>xyzInitializationException</b> If an error occurs while initializing this xyzRequest
So an exception is thrown if an error occurs while we are doing what the function is named?
So exceptions are used for error cases. Ok. Good to know.