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What is app-ads.txt and how do I implement it in AdMob?

I received mail from Google AdMob titled AdMob is launching support for app-ads.txt

Can anyone suggest what I have to do in my existing Android Application?


  • First of all, you have to know - What is app-ads.txt?

    App-ads.txt is a text file app developers upload to their developer website, which lists the ad sources authorized to sell that developer’s inventory. Just like on the web, the IAB created a system which allows buyers to know who is authorized to buy and sell specific in-app ad inventory, and who isn’t.

    How will app-ads.txt be implemented?

    Step 1. Provide the developer website URL in your app listing

    Ensure that your developer website is updated in the app stores. This website will be used by advertising platforms to verify the app-ads.txt file.

    Step 2. Reach out to all ad sources

    Get in touch with your direct ad sources and ask for their app-ads.txt line, according to the IAB’s structure below:

    Ad source domain, your publisher ID, type of relationship (direct or reseller), ad source ID

    Example:, 1234, DIRECT, 5678

    Your direct demand partners should be listed as “direct.” If your partners are using third-party resellers to sell your inventory, such providers should be listed as “reseller.” In any case, you should not add any provider to your app-ads.txt file unless you or your partner have a direct relationship with them.

    Step 3. Publish an app-ads.txt file

    Create an app-ads.txt file in Notepad listing out all the lines you received, and save.

    Step 4. Upload

    Upload the file in the root of your domain website (example: