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How to configure react-native-router-flux android back history?

I have this react native app using react-native-router-flux for navigation config and stages, the thing is that I can't fully understand how to setup the android history so the back button is functional.

This is my view hierarchy:

 <Stack hideNavBar key="root"> 
    <Scene back key="mainMenu" component={MainMenu}/>
    <Scene key="about" component={About}/>
    //... and so on

But If I press back button after presenting a view with an action, for example:


and inside about view I press back android button, I get the following error message:

"undefined is not an object (evaluating that.props.navigation.navigate)"

I really don't know what Im doing wrong. Please anybody can help me?


  • If you want to move the screen back, you can solve it with a simple command.

     componentDidMount() {
        this.backHandler = BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.handleBackPress);
      componentWillUnmount() {
      handleBackPress = () => {
        // go back (i.e. pop the current screen off the nav stack)
        return true;