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How can I work around a KeyError in Python?

I am trying to create a Forecasting tool, which analyses historical passenger traffic at a given airport. The anylysis will be based on a linear regression with various GDPs (Gross Domestic Product) of countries related to the airport.

A person can type in the name of the independant variable, which then gets selected from the Excel file.

Once a person gets the question "Which Country's GDP would you like to set as the independant variable for the Regression Analysis?", there is the possibility of typing a country wrong. In that case I receive a KeyError.

I am trying to work around that with "try / except", but I still receive a KeyError (See lines 36-49). I would really appreciate some help!

Thank you!

If it helps, here is the GitHub Link: (See lines 36-49 of

Here is my code:

Ive tried with while loops, for / except, but it seems I am too new to understand.

# This part saves the first row of the Excel as a list,
# so I can give the user a list of all the countries, 
# if the person types in a country, that's not on the list.

loc = ("IMF_Country_GDP_Data.xlsx") 
wb = xlrd.open_workbook(loc) 
sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(0) 
sheet.cell_value(0, 0) 
list_of_countries = sheet.row_values(0)

possible_selection = (list_of_countries[1:]) #This is the list with all the possible countries, without the Excel cell A1


print("Hello, welcome to the Air Traffic Forecasting Tool V0.1!")
print("Which Country's GDP would you like to set as the independant variable for the Regression Analysis?")
Country_GDP = input("Please type your answer here: ")

#here we check, if the typed Country is in the list

    possible_selection == Country_GDP
    print("Your country is on the list.")

except KeyError:
    print("Oh no! You typed a country, which is not in our database!")
    print("Please select one of the countries listed below and try again")

#now continuing with the previous code

print("Ok, I will conduct the analysis based on the GDP of " + str(Country_GDP) + "!")
print("Here are your results: ")

#here is the rest of the code

What I want to achieve is: If a person types a name, which is on the list of countries, the program runs the regression.

If the country is not on the list, I dont want to receive a KeyError. I would like the program to say: Oh no! You typed a country, which is not in our database! Please select one of the countries listed below and try again And then print the possible_selection variable, so the user can see which selection he has.

Thank you very much!


  • No need to get a key error at all. Just use in.

    while True:
        selection = input('Which country?')
        if selection in list_of_countries: 
            print('Your country is on the list')
            print('You typed an invalid entry, lets try again')