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How to do type checking for a recursive function with no explicit return type?

I am writing a language where functions are not typed. Which means I need to infer the return type of a function call in order to do type checking. However when somebody writes a recursive function the type checker goes into an infinite recursion trying to infer the type of the function call inside the function body.

The type checker does something like this:

  1. Infer the types of the function call actual arguments.
  2. Create a mapping of the actual argument types to the formal arguments.
  3. Use the mapping to annotate types on the arguments used inside the function body.
  4. Infer and return the return type of the function body.

Step 4 tries to then infer the type of the function call inside the function body, which calls the same type checker function again, causing an infinite recursion.

An example of a recursive function that gives me this problem:

function factorial(n) = n<1 ? 1 : n*factorial(n-1); // Function definition.
assert 24 == factorial(4); // Function call expression usage example.

How can I solve this problem without going in to an infinite recursion loop? Is there a way to infer the type of the recursive function call without having to go into the body again? Or some clean way to infer the type from context?

I know the easy solution might be to add types annotations to functions, this way the problem is trivial, but before doing that I want to know if there is a way to solve this without resorting to that.

I'd also like for the solution to work for mutual recursion.


  • Type inference can vary a lot depending on the language's type system and on what properties you want to have in terms of when annotations are needed. But whatever your language looks like, I think there's one seminal case you really should read about, which is ML. ML's type inference holds a nice sweet spot where it all fits together in a relatively simple paradigm. No type annotations are needed, and any expression has a single most general type (this property is called principality of typing).

    ML's type system is the Hindley-Milner type system, which has parametric polymorphism. The type of an expression is either a specific type, or “any”. More precisely, the type constructor of an expression is either a specific type constructor or “any”, and type constructors can have arguments which themselves either have a specific type constructor or “any”. For example, the empty list has the type “list of any”. Two expressions that can have “any” type in isolation may be constrained to have the same type, whatever it is, so “any” is expressed with variables. For example, function list_of_two(x, y) = [x, y] (in a notation like your language) constrains x and y to have the same type, because they're inserted in the same list, but that type can be any type, so the type of this function is “take any two parameters of the same type α, and return a value of type list of α”.

    The basic type inference algorithm for Hindley-Milner is algorithm W. At its core, it works by giving each subexpression a type that's a variable: α₁, α₂, α₃, … Programming language constructions then impose constraints on those variables. For example, if a list contains two elements of types α₁ and α₂ and the list itself has the type α₃, this constraints α₁ = α₂ and α₃ = list of α₁. Putting all these constraints together is a unification problem.

    The constraints are based on a purely syntactic reading of the program. If there's a recursive call, you don't need to know the type of the function: it just means that there's a constraint that the variable for the return type of the function is the same as the type at its point of use. That's just one more equation to add to the set of constraints.

    I left out an important aspect of ML which is that an expression's type can be generalized: an expression can be used with different types at different places. This is what allows polymorphism. For example,

    let empty_list = [] in
    (empty_list @ [3]), (empty_list @ ["hello"])

    is a valid program where empty_list is used once with the type “list of integers” and once with the type “list of strings”. The type of empty_list is “for any α, list of α”: that's parametric polymorphism. Generalization adds some complexity to the algorithm, but it also removes complexity elsewhere, because that's what allows principality. Without it, let empty_list = [] in … would be ambiguous: empty_list would have to have some type, but there's no way to know what type without analyzing , and then when you do analyze the above you'd need to make a choice between integer and string.

    Depending on your language's type system, ML and algorithm W may be directly reusable or may just provide some vague inspiration. But the principle of using variables during the inference, and progressively constraining these variables, is very general.