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Lodash isEqual fails because of constructor defined by angular

I am using Lodash _.isEqual to deep-compare a local javascript object with another javascript object retrieved through angular $get.

This code says that the objects are different:

$get({...}, function (data) {


  if (_.isEqual(data, {name: 'Someone'}) {

but chaging it a little as follows it now says that they are equal (as expected):

$get({...}, function (data) {


  if (_.isEqual(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)), {name: 'Someone'}) {

I debugged into the Lodash code and it seems to fail because both objects have different constructors.

How can I solve this without cloning the data?


  • I know this question is three years old at this point, but I have found what I believe is a more acceptable answer. Simply exclude the prototype comparison between the two objects:

    var result = _.isEqual(
      _.omit(data, ['__proto__']),
      _.omit({name: 'Someone'}, ['__proto__'])