I am in a situation where (say) commit 666 is dodgy, i.e
git svn clone [REPO] -r665 #works
git svn clone [REPO] -r666 #Malformed XML
git svn clone [REPO] -r667 #works
but even weirder
git svn clone [REPO] -r665
git svn fetch -r667 #Malformed XML
git svn fetch -r668 #Malformed XML
git svn fetch -r669 #Malformed XML
(this also happens with analogous commands in SVN)
currently, the only way I know around this is either
Is there a more proper way to do this?
I remember hacking git cherry-pick
to fix this
I did something along the lines of (disclaimer: untested):
git-svn init -R one -s [SVN-URL]
git-svn init -R two -s [SVN-URL] -r667
git checkout [svn-remote-one-trunk]
git checkout -b git-master
git cherry-pick [first commit SHA of svn-remote-two-trunk]
#Fix conflicts
git cherry-pick [svn-remote-two-trunk]
had to do this several times and git-master
is incompatible with the svn remotes so it would either have to be discarded or any svn work would have to go on the svn branches and I had to incorporate cherry picking into my workflow until everyone got migrated to git.