For testing the following IntegrationFlow
.enrich(m -> m.header(MessageHeaders.ERROR_CHANNEL, "channel.input.error"))
.handle("handler", "handle")
I wrote a configuration class:
public class ServiceFlowContext {
@Bean(name = "handler")
public Handler handler() {
return Mockito.mock(Handler.class);
public QueueChannel outputChannel() {
return new QueueChannel();
and a test class:
@ContextConfiguration(classes = ServiceFlowContext.class)
public class ServiceFlowTest {
private Handler handler;
private MessageChannel inputChannel;
private QueueChannel outputChannel;
public void shouldGetMessageInErrorChannelIfHandlerFailed() {
Message<String> message = MessageBuilder.withPayload("empty").build();
Message result = outputChannel.receive(5000);
The test will wait at the receive method for 5 seconds and I will get a null object which causes the test failed. However, if I define a real object instead of the mock object, just as:
public static class Handler1 {
public Message<String> handle(Message<String> message) {
return message;
@Bean(name = "handler")
public Handler1 handler() {
return new Handler1();
then, I can receive the message from channel.output
channel (outputChannel) just as the same as what is sent. Are there any solutions to use mock handler in the test?
You need to stub the handle()
Something like:
Handler handler = Mockito.mock(Handler.class);
BDDMockito.willAnswer(invocation -> invocation.getArgument(0))
return handler;
That will do the same as your Handler1.handle()