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Calling startKoin() once before launching all unit tests and stopKoin() once after all tests finish

I have several test classes implementing KoinTest interface, and in every one of them I have the same code:

fun setUp() {
    startKoin { modules(appModule) }

fun tearDown() {

Is it possible to call startKoin() before all these tests, and after the tests call stopKoin(), so I can remove above code from every test class? Or maybe it would be strongly discouraged for some reason?

I see that in docs here they have written 'For each test, we start startKoin() and close Koin context closeKoin().', but I don't know if this is the only valid way to go.


  • You can use a TestRule. Create a test rule for Koin.

    class KoinTestRule : TestRule {
       override fun apply(base: Statement, description: Description): Statement {
           return object : Statement() {
               override fun evaluate() {
                   startKoin { modules(appModule) }

    Create BaseKoinTest that implements KoinTest interface and add the rule to this class. All the test classes that require Koin can extend from this class.

    abstract class BaseKoinTest : KoinTest {
        val koinTestRule = KoinTestRule()