I am using the following guide in an attempt to create a flowing sankey diagram: https://www.hvitfeldt.me/blog/recreate-sankey-flow-chart/#r-packages. My understanding is that this approach (i.e. gganimate(p)) utilizes an old and now unsupported version of gganimate. I am attempting to adapt the code to work with the new gganimate. I am using the code provided below.
I expected a result like the one on the the blog:
i.e. slow moving and with individual points. What I get with my code are fast moving "points" with each point actually being represented by a series of five points:
Any help replicating the blog product using the new gganimate would be much appreciated.
sigmoid <- function(x_from, x_to, y_from, y_to, scale = 5, n = 100) {
x <- seq(-scale, scale, length = n)
y <- exp(x) / (exp(x) + 1)
tibble(x = (x + scale) / (scale * 2) * (x_to - x_from) + x_from,
y = y * (y_to - y_from) + y_from)
n_points <- 400
data <- tibble(from = rep(4, n_points),
to = sample(1:4, n_points, TRUE),
color = sample(c("A", "B"), n_points, TRUE))
p <- map_df(seq_len(nrow(data)),
~ sigmoid(0, 1, as.numeric(data[.x, 1]), as.numeric(data[.x,
2])) %>%
mutate(time = row_number() + .x,
y = y + runif(1, -0.25, 0.25))) %>%
ggplot(aes(x, y, frame = time)) +
It looks like you have 499 values in time
, more than the default number of frames that get rendered (100). When you use transition_time(time)
it's including all the data, even for frames "in between" the ones that are rendered. That's why you're seeing groups of 5 dots.
You can either:
1) replace with transition_manual(time)
so it just uses 100 frames of your data, discarding the ones in between, or
2) keep the transition_time(time)
but render using animate(p, nframes = 499)
, so that you keep all the frames.