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generated: true not working in loopback 4

I am new to Loopback 4 and I made a model then data-source to MYSQL then repository then the controller (REST), then I visited and went to POST section and then tried to insert some data I got:

Unhandled error in POST /todos: 500 Error: ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value.

I searched the internet and found generated: true to auto increment the id field then I run npm run migrate and again inserted data in the POST section but again got the same error. I changed the A.I (auto-increment) field of id in MYSQL-DB to true then it inserted the data successfully.

All I want to make the id field auto-increment, how can I do that. I tried generated: true in todo.model.ts under id property but not working.

  type: 'number',
  id: true,
  generated: true,
id?: number;


  • If anyone is messing up with this issue just move generated: true before id: true as:

      type: 'number',
      generated: true,
      id: true,
    id?: number;

    A pretty fix :)