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Make get request to third party API with api key using express.router();

I am building a react app, and in it I am retrieving data from a third party site which requires me to send the API key in the header using 'X-Auth-Token'.

Currently I am making this request using fetch() api from the clientside js files. I understand this is bad practice and I should hide my api key, so this is what I am trying to do but am finding it hard to understand how all the components fit together in this puzzle...

I have followed a tutorial and now have a create-react-app project listening locally on port 3000, and an express server (using express.router()) listening locally on port 9000.

I want to make the api request to the third party from the express server, and then send that to the front end.

  1. using express.router(), how would i make a request to a third party that includes my api key, and then send that on to the front end?
  2. when i eventually host this project (i am hosting on heroku), instead of the front end making a fetch request to port9000 to retrieve the data from the express server request, what url should it be listening to? - I think i lack understanding when it comes to this part.


  • You are on point, you should use like a middleman to retrive your data to your frontend. There are couple of implementation of course. Personally I like the serverless approach, using AWS lambda functions for it. But back to your approach. I would retrive the data using probably the axios module, very easy and straightforward. You can pass the x-auth-token header to the instance

    const express = require('express');
    const axios = require('axios');
    const app = express()
    const axiosInstance = axios.create({
        baseURL: '<some-domain>',
        headers: { 'X-Auth-Token' : '<some-token>'}
    app.get('/data', async(req, res, next) => {
        try {
            const response = await axiosInstance.get('/<path>');
            // process your data and send back to the user
        } catch (error) {
            // handle if you got an error

    It is just a showcase, I assume your application looks different, but I think you got some direction from this snippet.

    I would hide the token to an environment variable.

    When you deploy your server to heroku you are going to get an url, and in your front-end you can replace the url easily and deploy it.