I am using Flowable 6.4.1 in spring-boot to create processes and run from my java code, but requirement is to not use any xml, so due to this I have hit a blockade.
I have a user task, taking input from user, depending on that input, call to corresponding service task is made.
Below is a short example of what I am going to do:
<process id="basicprocess" name="Basic Process" isExecutable="true">
<startEvent id="startEvent"/>
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="startEvent" targetRef="getInput"/>
<userTask id="getInput" name="Get input from user" />
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="getInput" targetRef="decision"/>
<exclusiveGateway id="decision"/>
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="decision" targetRef="firstServiceTask">
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="decision" targetRef="secondServiceTask">
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">
<serviceTask id="firstServiceTask" name="Number is greater than predefined target"
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="firstServiceTask" targetRef="greaterEnd"/>
<serviceTask id="secondServiceTask" name="Number is less than predefined target"
<sequenceFlow sourceRef="secondServiceTask" targetRef="lesserEnd"/>
<endEvent id="greaterEnd"/>
<endEvent id="lesserEnd"/>
Above, XML shows the process and I'm starting the process using REST API Below is the controller:
public class DefinitionsController {
private RepositoryService mRepositoryService;
private RuntimeService mRuntimeService;
private TaskService mTaskService;
public String startService(@RequestBody String input) {
Integer request = Integer.parseInt(input);
Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
variables.put("number", request);
ProcessInstance instance = mRuntimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("basicprocess", variables);
Task userTask = mTaskService.createTaskQuery().processInstanceId(instance.getId()).taskDefinitionKey("getInput").singleResult();
return "ProcessInstance id is "+instance.getProcessInstanceId();
public class FirstServiceTask implements JavaDelegate{
public void execute(DelegateExecution execution) {
System.err.println("Came in first service task");
Same for SecondServiceTask.java
except the sysout statement.
REST RESPONSE: I get the processInstance Id and sysout statement of respective service task gets printed in console..
Pretty easy to wire the Service Task classes from xml, however if I were to not use XML, I would need to create the same process using flowable-modeler
api of FLOWABLE.
So, basically I want to have control over those service tasks from my java code and in order to do that how do I wire the Service Tasks that are created using flowable-modeler
with my java code ?
I have gone through docs, but found the xml way only.
Configuring Service Tasks (created using flowable-modeler) with Java code can be done by the 4 ways shown here.
The delegate expression which is going to be configured should be either present on the classpath or should have a spring-bean created.
I created bean using a method in main class, and put the name of method in delegate expression
attribute in flowable-modeler/process
api and that's what was needed to do that.
Attached image should clarify things, which shows the way to wire Service Tasks (created using flowable-modeler API) with Java classes in workspace.
in highlighted field is the method which returns bean of FirstServiceTask
EDIT: Apart from above solution, we can also specify class name in class field alone and all configuration is done. Forex: I have a class called TestClass.java
in package org.flowable.learning, so I'll just specify org.flowable.learning.TestClass
in class field, which is just above highlighted Delegate expression field in attached screenshot