I'm creating my own module to manage agents accounts in odoo. where i do need to verify if a res.user if already in agent, to avoid creating agent with the same res.user account
class Agent(models.Model):
_name = 'agent.a'
agent_id = fields.Many2one(
default=lambda s: s.env.user)
agent_image = fields.Binary(string='Photo')
local_id = fields.One2many('local.n', 'Localisation_Af', string='Localisation')
def create(self, vals):
res = super(Agent, self).create(vals)
modelObj = self.env['agent.a']
for record in res:
rec = modelObj.search([('agent_id', '=', record.agent_id.login)])
if rec:
raise ValidationError(('Already exists'))
return res
But the result is always True
Please use the below code for checking
def create(self, vals):
if vals.get('agent_id',False):
modelObj = self.env['agent.a']
rec = modelObj.search([('agent_id', '=', vals.get('agent_id',False))])
if rec:
raise ValidationError(('Already exists'))
return super(Agent, self).create(vals)
Please be informed that we cannot loop res in create that is not a right method and in your code you are checking the conditions after creating the record so always the search result will be true.