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Which derived class object called the non-virtual function in the base class


I have a base class, Base, which has mostly 'pure' virtual functions and some non-virtual functions (plus a couple of virtual functions).

Basically, the common functionality in all the derived classes Derived, Derived2, etc, is present in the base class as non-virtual functions.

Question: If one of the objects from any of the derived classes, calls any of the non-virtual functions from the Base class, how (if at all) could it be possible to know which derived-class-object has called this non-virtual base-class function.

Actually, I wanted to debug one call and stumbled upon the fact that, neither with the debugger nor with any tracelines, can I ascertain from which derived-class-object did I stumble into this non-virtual base-class-function.

Come to think of it, as I was writing this question, one way, I can think is, I could have a static member string variable in each derived class and pass that as an argument to the non-virtual base class functions. But, is that the only way?

Minimum Working Example: Here is the minimum working example. I stripped it down as far as possible.

#include <iostream>

#include <pthread.h>
#include <string>
#include <errno.h>
#include <cstring>

class Base {
    Base() {}
    virtual ~Base() {}
    int waitForThreadToExit() {
        int error = pthread_join(m_Thread, NULL);
        if (0 != error) {
            std::cerr << "Error from pthread_join(). errorCode:" << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
        return error;

    int start() {
        if ((startThread()) != 0) {
             std::cerr << "error returned from the start() function." << std::endl;

    virtual int runThread(void) {
      std::cout << "Reimplement" << std::endl;;
      return -1;
    int startThread() {
        int error = pthread_create(&m_Thread, NULL, internalThreadEntryFunc, this);
        return error;

    static void* internalThreadEntryFunc(void* This) {
        ((Base *) This)->runThread();
        return NULL;
    pthread_t m_Thread;

class Derived: public Base {
    Derived() {}
    virtual ~Derived() {}

    virtual int runThread(void) {
        while(1) {
             std::cout << "Sehr gut!" << std::endl;;
             return 0;


class Derived2: public Base {
    Derived2() {}
    virtual ~Derived2() {}

    virtual int runThread(void) {
        while (1)
            std::cout << "Sehr sehr gut!" << std::endl;;
            return 0;


int main()
    std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
    Derived d;
    Derived2 d2;
    return 0;


  • So just to be complete, in case someone else (quite possibly me myself in a few months time) stumbles upon this question again, here is the general idea that I implemented for this problem.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <typeinfo>
    class base {
        virtual const char* name() {
            return typeid(*this).name();
        virtual ~base(){}
    class derived : public base {};
    class otherDerived : public base {};
    int main () {
        base b;
        derived d;
        otherDerived d2;
        std::cout << "base says:" << << std::endl;
        std::cout << "derived says:" << << std::endl;
        std::cout << "other derived says:" << << std::endl;

    which gives the output when run in my QtCreator:

    base says:4base
    derived says:7dervied
    other derived says:12otherDerived

    Note: Best to make a virtual function name() or className() and call that functio n everywhere, instead of sprinkling typeid(*this).name() everywhere in the code.