I am trying to get all descendants(include_self=True)
not for one
Node, but for a list (a QuerySet) of Nodes. This should be one SQL
Example (that actually is not working:)
some_nodes = Node.objects.filter( ...some_condition... )
some_nodes.get_descendants(include_self=True) #hopefully I would like
to have all possible Nodes starting from every node of "some_nodes"
The only idea I have right now is to iterate through some_nodes and run get_descendants() for every node - but this is terrible solution (plenty of SQL queries).
If there is no clean way to do it via Django ORM can you provide me a custom SQL to run instead? Here you can make assumption that I have a list of Node's pk.
EDIT: If that could help - all of my "some_nodes" are placed in the same parent directory and have the same "level" in the tree.
Great thanks to Craig de Stigter answered my question on django-mptt-dev group, in case anybody need it I am kindly reposting his solution from http://groups.google.com/group/django-mptt-dev/browse_thread/thread/637c8b2fe816304d
from django.db.models import Q
import operator
def get_queryset_descendants(nodes, include_self=False):
if not nodes:
return Node.tree.none()
filters = []
for n in nodes:
lft, rght = n.lft, n.rght
if include_self:
lft -=1
rght += 1
filters.append(Q(tree_id=n.tree_id, lft__gt=lft, rght__lt=rght))
q = reduce(operator.or_, filters)
return Node.tree.filter(q)
Example Node tree:
Example usage:
>> some_nodes = [<Node: T1>, <Node: T2>, <Node: T3>] # QureySet
>> print get_queryset_descendants(some_nodes)
[<Node: T1.1>, <Node: T1.2>, <Node: T3.3>, <Node: T3.3.3>]
>> print get_queryset_descendants(some_nodes, include_self=True)
[<Node: T1>, <Node: T1.1>, <Node: T1.2>, <Node: T2>, <Node: T3>, <Node: T3.3>, <Node: T3.3.3>]