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How to check if a similar sub-string has appeared in string with customise tolerance level

How to check whether a substirng is inside a string with specific edit distance tolerance. For example:

str = 'Python is a multi-paradigm, dynamically typed, multipurpose programming language, designed to be quick (to learn, to use, and to understand), and to enforce a clean and uniform syntax.'
substr1 = 'ython'
substr2 = 'thon'
substr3 = 'cython'
edit_distance_tolerance = 1

substr_in_str(str, substr1, edit_distance_tolerance)
>> True

substr_in_str(str, substr2, edit_distance_tolerance)
>> False

substr_in_str(str, substr3, edit_distance_tolerance)
>> True

What I tried: I tried to break the string in words and remove the special characters then do comparisons one by one but the performance(in terms of speed and accuracy) is not quite good.


  • The answer is not so simple as you think , and you will need a lot of mathematics to achieve this and standard re(regex) library can't solve this broblem . I think TRE library has solved this problem to a big extend , see here