i'm setting up a component with an expand option and i want to add a ButtonGroup with listed options inside every list item.
const StackList = (props, permissions) => (
<Card >
<List {...props} pagination={false} title={<AppTitle />}>
<Datagrid rowClick="expand" expand={<StackShow {...props} />} >
<TextField source='name' />
<TextField source='status' />
<ReferenceField source='environment' label='Environment' reference='environments' allowEmpty>
<ChipField source='name' />
<ReferenceArrayField source="hosts" label="Hosts" reference="hosts">
<ChipField source="name" />
{permissions !== 'account-admin' &&<EditButton />}
{permissions === 'account-admin' &&<DeleteButton />}
<SplitButton {...props} />
</Card >
const enhance = compose(
export default enhance(StackList);
In your SplitButton
component onClick
handler, you should call event.stopPropagation()
and it won't bubble up to the expand handler