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Logic: auxilliry lemma for tr_rev_correct

In Logic chapter a tail recursive version of reverse list function is introduced. We need to prove that it works correctly:

Fixpoint rev_append {X} (l1 l2 : list X) : list X :=
  match l1 with
  | [] => l2
  | x :: l1' => rev_append l1' (x :: l2)

(* Tail recursion rev *)
Definition tr_rev {X} (l : list X) : list X :=
  rev_append l [].

But before proving it I wanted to prove a lemma:

Lemma rev_append_app: forall (X: Type) (x: X) (l : list X),
    rev_append l [x] = rev_append l [] ++ [x].
  intros X x l. induction l as [| h t IH].
  - simpl. reflexivity.
  - simpl.

Here I am stuck:

X : Type
x, h : X
t : list X
IH : rev_append t [x] = rev_append t [ ] ++ [x]
rev_append t [h; x] = rev_append t [h] ++ [x]

What to do next?


  • As you noticed during your attempted proof, when taking the induction step from rev_append l [x] to rev_append (h :: t) [x], you end up with the term rev_append t [h; x] after simplification. The induction step does not lead towards the base case of the rev_append function, but to another recursive invocation that you cannot simplify.

    Notice how the induction hypothesis that you would like to apply makes a statement about rev_append t [x] for some fixed x, but in your goal, the extra h list element before it gets in the way, and the induction hypothesis is of no use.

    This is what Bubbler's answer was referring to when stating that your induction hypothesis is not strong enough: it only makes a statement about the case where the second argument is a list with a single element. But even after just the induction step (one recursive application), that list already has at least two elements!

    As suggested by Bubbler, the helper lemma rev_append l (l1 ++ l2) = rev_append l l1 ++ l2 is stronger and does not have this problem: when used as the induction hypothesis, it can be applied to rev_append t [h; x] as well, allowing you to prove equality with rev_append t [h] ++ [x].

    When attempting to prove the helper lemma, you may get stuck (like I did) in the same way as when proving rev_append_app itself. The crucial bit of advice that helped me proceed was to be careful which of the universally quantified variables you introduce before you start the induction. If you specialize any of them too early on, you might weaken your induction hypothesis and become stuck again. You may need to change the order of these quantified variables or use the generalize dependent tactic (see the Tactics chapter of Logic Foundations).