I have been playing around with docker windows containers lately and I got to the point where I wanted to put some of the workload on a Windows Server.
But when I go to install Docker Desktop on Windows Server 2016 it fails saying it only works on Windows 10.
Digging more shows that for Windows Servers, you need Docker Enterprise. Which costs: "Contact Sales" (meaning not cheap). (This docker lab shows that you can install docker desktop on windows 10 but for windows server you need docker enterprise.)
Is Docker for Windows a product I can deploy to production using open source "free" licenses? And if so, where is that product and what is it called?
Looks like it does take Docker Enterprise, but that Microsoft includes a license for that in Windows Server.
You can install it with these powershell commands:
Install-Module -Name DockerMsftProvider -Repository PSGallery -Force
Install-Package -Name docker -ProviderName DockerMsftProvider -Force
Start-Service docker
If you have Symantec Antivirus, you will need to disable it before the Install-Package command will work (or you get a weird "dummy" folder error).