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How can I use a modern Windows 10 context menu with a Win32 NotifyIcon?

My goal is to use the modern Windows 10 themed context menu with my C# application's tray icon. Eartrumpet's tray icon context menu uses it so I know it is possible, but I have had a lot of trouble deciphering how they did it. Simply changing the colors is not enough, I would like to use the same design as regular Windows 10 context menus.

This is what I want my application's tray icon menu to look like:

Modern UWP theme

This is what I am stuck with:

Old win32 theme


  • Apart from the great answer of Nico Zhu, I think that the Windows 10 taskbar context menu is just the normal one only styled differently.

    This opinion is made even stronger by the fact that MSFT created the “dark” theme for the File Explorer simply by restyling it.

    It is all only a different style, not new controls.